6 Reasons to Gift Experiences Instead of Stuff
By Ryan Brown published on 26 November 2023
If there’s a saying that we wholeheartedly believe in it’s ‘Collect experiences, not stuff’. We think it’s infinitely more meaningful to gift experiences instead of stuff, and that’s even more relevant now that we are inching into the season of giving.
There’s no doubt that it’s nice to receive a physical gift from time to time, yet there is nothing better in our minds than gifting a life-changing travel experience to someone or sharing that adventure together. Here are our 6 reasons to gift experiences instead of stuff this holiday season!
1) Possessions possess you, experiences set you free!
If you truly want to give an awesome gift this holiday season, an experience is a way to help someone (or yourself) escape a bit from normality to take off into the wonderful unknown. We all know the feeling of trying to move to a new flat with heaps of stuff, or having to worry about what to do with all of your possessions if you want to spontaneously take a trip. It’s time to lighten the load and ditch the belongings!
Gifting an experience doesn’t come with the weight of things, though it does come with a sudden and exhilarating excitement of freedom! So next time you gift, gift experiences instead of stuff and enjoy the freeing and wonderful weightlessness it brings.

2) Stuff fills space, experiences fill your soul.
Though giving a physical gift is a wonderful thing, an object often fills up space or isn’t timeless. The memories from experiences will fill the soul with a plethora of different feelings and emotions and can be looked back on for a lifetime. And of course, relived when you tell your friends. Now, we know, that the latest smartphone or handbag can seem like something we cannot live without. But we can!
How so? A material possession, especially something we feel connects to us or represents us, can bring some momentary happiness. But objects, however much we desire them, will always remain separate from ourselves. Whereas experiences that build memories become a part of us and live on with us through a lifetime.

3) Experiences expand your mind and perception of the world.
When traveling, the experiences often expand your mind, your view of the world, and more often than not change your perception of life itself. Experiences while traveling are powerful and are a guaranteed way to see our world in a completely different and wonder-filled light.
So much of our lives are shaped by our own boundaries and the environments we live in. Thus gifting experiences instead of stuff allows you to escape these boundaries and set off on a life-changing adventure that will connect you far more to the world. Having an intimate look at the world first-hand and getting to share the cultures of other people with them is the truest vision of the world you can have.
4) There’s nothing like experiencing food around the world.
Sure, you can give a gift card to a tasty restaurant at home, but there is no comparison to chowing down on the most delicious local cuisine in the country that it comes from. Nothing matches the experience of feasting on a vibrant array of dishes in a mouth-watering Greek mezze feast. Or how about the drool-worthy peka dish with fall-off-the-bone lamb while sipping some of the best wine in the Mediterranean. And we can’t forget an encounter with a pancake boat in a remote bay in Turkey now, can we! 🤤

Do we have you salivating yet? Good! Cities around the world will always have international restaurants, but the moment you dive into a delicious local delicacy abroad will be life-changing to your tastebuds and foodie soul.
5) The people you meet and the friends you make last forever.
Nothing can beat making a new bestie for life, and it’s pretty regular to encounter awesome people while traveling. When sharing in an experience like paragliding in Turkey or a breathtaking view while wine tasting in Croatia you connect with people on a different level.
Travel brings the best out of people and then connects them to other amazing like-minded people, which is exactly what makes experiences like a sailing holiday so incredible. It brings individuals or groups together in a unique trip experiencing the world in a one-of-a-kind way.

6) Experiencing the awe of unique destinations is unmatched.
Experiences are the gift that keeps on giving simply because of the numerous opportunities to have your mind blown by the awe-inspiring destinations around the world. Wandering open-jawed through whimsical places like the Venetian-era towns of Croatia or the captivating ancient history in Greece can’t be read about or watched online.
While some might brag about the latest 4k TV they received, that’s where the story ends. But actually being in those places in real life is a million times better than simply watching it on a travel program, giving you real stories to tell and real memories to relive. Because though there might be some wow factor to that Travel Channel episode, it’s not the same as the wow moment you have seeing, touching, tasting, hearing, and feeling these unique destinations.
Whether it’s to yourself, friends, or loved ones this season, gift an experience of a lifetime and book an epic MedSailors sailing adventure today!